The RSPCA Queensland 1300 ANIMAL (1300 264 625) hotline is available 7am to 7pm, 365 days a year.
Where it is safe to do so, taking the animal (domestic or wildlife) to your closest after hours emergency vet is the best option for animal outcomes; ensuring quick expert triaged care and treatment.
The following wildlife should only be handled by experienced wildlife carers:
Koalas, Adult Kangaroos and Wallabies, Bats, Owls, Hawks, Birds of Prey (eg. Raptors), Goannas (eg. Lace Monitors), Snakes
Who to contact after hours
If you've found sick or injured wildlife in need of assistance outside these hours and are unable to take them to your closest emergency vet, please contact one of the below rescue groups in your region.
Need to report an animal welfare concern?
If you are needing to lodge an animal welfare complaint outside these hours, please complete our Animal Welfare Complaint form.
Wildlife rescue groups
South East Queensland Region
- Bat Conservation & Rescue Qld Inc
Rescues: Bats only
Phone (24 hours): 0488 228 134
- Moreton Bay Koala Rescue
Covering: Moreton Bay Region only
Rescues: Koalas only
Phone (24 hours): 0401 080 333
- Redlands 24-hour Wildlife Rescue Service
Covering: Redlands region only
Rescues: All wildlife except for snakes, flying foxes and microbats
Phone (24 hour hotline): 07 3833 4031
- Reptile Rehabilitation Qld Inc
Rescues: Reptiles and amphibians only
Phone (24 hour hotline): 1300 878 903
- Wildcare Australia Inc
Covering: South East Queensland, including Brisbane, Logan, Scenic Rim
Rescues: All wildlife, including koalas and injured kangaroos
Phone (24 hour hotline): 07 5527 2444
Gold Coast Region
- Bats QLD
Phone (24 hour hotline): 0447 222 889 - Wildcare Australia Inc
Rescues: All wildlife, including koalas and injured kangaroos
Phone (24 hour hotline): 07 5527 2444
Sunshine Coast
- Koala Rescue Qld
Covering: Sunshine Coast to South Burnett
Rescues: Koalas only
Phone: 0423 618 740 (Ray) or 0431 300 729 (Murray) - Wildcare Australia Inc
Rescues: Koalas and injured adult kangaroos
Phone (24 hour hotline): 07 5527 2444
- Wildlife Noosa
Covering: Noosa region only
Rescues: All wildlife
Phone (24 hours): 0419 046 999
- Wildlife Volunteers Association Inc (WILVOS)
Rescues: All wildlife
Phone (24 hour hotline): 07 5441 6200
Atherton Tablelands
- Tablelands Wildlife Rescue Inc
Rescues: All wildlife
Phone (24 hour hotline): 07 4091 7767
- Bundy Wildlife Rescue Inc
Rescues: All wildlife
Phone (24 hours): 0412 665 424
- The Agile Project
Covering: Cairns and Atherton Tablelands, plus surrounding regions
Rescues: Most wildlife
Phone (24 hours): 0467 022 358
- Wildlife & Raptor Care Queensland (WARCO)
Covering: Cairns and onwards to the north, and south of Cains including Innisfail region
Rescues: Raptors
Phone: 0421 553 214
- Wildlife Dalby Animal Welfare & Education Association
Covering: Dalby Township
Rescues: All wildlife
Phone (24 hours): 0448 814 882
- Central Highlands Wildlife Carers
Rescues: All wildlife
Phone (24 hours): 0475 288 301
Far North Queensland
- Far North Queensland Wildlife Rescue
Covering: Far North Queensland, including Mt Isa to Cape York
Rescues: All wildlife
Phone (24 hour hotline): 07 4053 4467
Gympie Region
- Australian Native Animals Rescue and Rehabilitation Association (ANARRA)
Rescues: All wildlife
Phone (24 hour hotline): 07 5343 4859
- Kerrie's Wildlife Rescue
Rescues: All wildlife
Contact: Message through Facebook
- Wildcare Australia Inc
Rescues: Koalas
Phone (24 hour hotline): 07 5527 2444
Lockyer Region
- Wildlife Rescue, Rehabilitation and Education Association
Covering: Lockyer and Toowoomba
Rescues: All wildlife
Phone (24 hours): 0407 028 540
Muttaburra, Winton, Longreach, Blackall, Hughenden, Jericho
- Western QLD Wildlife Rehabilitation
Rescues: All wildlife
Phone (24 hours): 0436 366 452
South Burnett Region
- Aussie Native Rescue Inc
Rescues: All wildlife
Phone (24 hours): 0437 374 765
Southern Downs Region
- Granite Belt Wildlife Carers Inc
Covering: Warwick only
Phone (24 hours): 0418 144 073
Townsville Region
- NQ Wildlife
Covering: Townsville and Surrounds
Rescues: All wildlife
Phone (24 hours): 0414 717 374
- Woodgate and Surrounds Wildlife Rescue
Rescues: All wildlife
Phone (24 hours): 0459 241 318
After hours emergency vets
South East Queensland
- Animal Referral Hospital Brisbane
Location: Sinnamon Park
Phone: 07 3172 0593
- Animal Emergency Centre Kedron
Location: Kedron
Phone: 07 3350 1333
- Animal Emergency Centre Woolloongabba
Location: Stones Corner
Phone: 07 3456 0500
- Animal Emergency Service Jindalee
Location: Jindalee
Phone: 07 3715 9999
- Animal Emergency Service Underwood
Location: Underwood
Phone: 07 3423 1888
- Brisbane Veterinary Specialist Centre + The Animal Hospital
Location: Albany Creek
Phone: 07 3264 9400
- Manly Road 24hr Veterinary Hospital
Location: Manly West
Phone: 07 3396 9733
- Pet Emergency North Lakes
Location: North Lakes
Phone: 07 3384 2233
- Pet Emergency Stafford Heights
Location: Stafford Heights
Phone: 07 3359 5333
Gold Coast
- Animal Emergency Centre Gold Coast
Location: Varsity Lakes
Phone: 07 5593 4544
- Animal Emergency Service Carrara
Location: Carrara
Phone: 07 5559 1599
Sunshine Coast
- Animal Emergency Centre Noosa
Location: Noosaville
Phone: 07 5353 7005
- Animal Emergency Service Tanawha
Location: Tanawha
Phone: 07 5445 1333
- Emergency Vets 24/7
Location: Manunda
Phone: 07 4015 3459
- REDvets
Location: East Toowoomba
Phone: 07 4602 0652
- JCU Vet Emergency and Critical Care Service
Location: Townsville
Phone: 1300 528 838