
The RSPCA needs your signature to end dog fighting!

Donate Rescue Posted May 7, 2021
Help ensure penalties for prohibited events like dog fighting, are brought in line with current animal cruelty penalties.

Can you believe that people participating in organised dog fighting are receiving lesser penalties than those convicted of animal cruelty?

We need your voice to ensure penalties for prohibited events like dog fighting, are brought in line with current animal cruelty penalties.

You can be a voice for animals and save them from a life of torment today!

What Needs to Change?

Currently, the maximum penalty for animal cruelty is three years imprisonment or a $266,900 fine.  

However right now, dog fighters only face a maximum of one year in prison or a $40,035 fine! This is not enough of a deterrent or punishment for such deliberate and disgusting acts of animal cruelty.

The secretive nature of these prohibited events, means that the RSPCA faces enormous difficulty in obtaining evidence of involvement in dog fighting. This directly hinders their ability to prosecute offenders because of the need to catch them in the act. An impossible task.

You may also be interested to learn that a charity foots the bill for these irresponsible dog owners until court proceedings finalise, which can be months to years. Seized dogs are cared for, rehabilitated and receive veterinary treatment all paid for by RSPCA, while their owner focuses on their court case.

Donate now so we can continue to investigate and stop this cruelty.

The owner should have to contribute to the ongoing care costs for these poor dogs from the time they are seized.

Our call to the Queensland Government:
  • Change penalties for prohibited events such as dog fighting to bring them in line with current animal cruelty penalties.
  • Introduce laws that require people to contribute to the care and veterinary costs of animals from the moment they are seized and for the time that RSPCA have to care for them while waiting for court proceedings to finalise.
  • Introduce laws that make it possible for RSPCA to prosecute people who possess dog fighting dogs, equipment and other paraphernalia, even if they are not caught in the act of dog fighting.


Emma Lagoon
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