Dogs just love company, so when they’re home alone we tend to worry about their safety, and of course, their potential for mischief and escape. There are many ways we can train and kindly contain our lively animals without a tether, but when the need arises, tethering safely, humanely and no more than necessary, is key.
There will always be valid instances to safely tether your pets — shopping pit-stops for puppuccinos, holidays in unfamiliar hang-outs, and trips to free-range and unfenced spaces. In these situations, tethering is a safe, short-term restraint for your companion and appropriate when visiting an environment of unknowns. But, there are many dangers when leaving a pet tied up in your backyard. Read more here.
Unfortunately, cases of unlawful and inhumane tethering are still occurring. This year we’ve seen two finalised Inspectorate cases relating to dogs being left tied up and dying as a result.