
DIY: Cat Scratching Cone

Posted Apr 2, 2020
Extra time up your sleeve to get a bit crafty? Your cat will thank you for it

This DIY Cat Toy has been added from RSPCA’s Magazine The Biscuit. Subscribe today to read more great pet care tips!

If you’re a cat parent, you may have had furniture torn to ribbons by your feline companion. You may find cats clawing at table legs, carpet and mats, and couches – boy, do they love couches! Although it seems as if they have an uncontrollable urge to destroy anything shiny and new, scratching is a common behaviour that is both natural and innate. Cats scratch for a number of reasons and, contrary to popular belief, they’re not doing it out of spite.

Cats need to keep their claws healthy and conditioned, which can be difficult in a safe home environment without access to trees. Scratching helps to shed nail layers, which keeps kitty’s claws sharp, clean, and ready for action.

Just like some people enjoy a session at the gym after a long day, or shedding a tear over sappy rom-coms and a tub of ice cream, cats find scratching cathartic. Anxiety, frustration, and excitement can build up in cats, and scratching serves as an outlet for these pent-up emotions. 

Scratching posts are a great way to redirect your cat’s behaviour! You can check out a great range of towers and scratchers available at RSPCA World for Pets here, but if you want to try a different look, this DIY might be the ticket! 

You can make this Do-It-Yourself Cat Scratching Cone with materials from your local hardware store, or you might have some of the lying around the house already.

Supplies you’ll need:
  • Traffic cone (30cm high)
  • Sisal rope (approx. 2m)
  • Hot glue gun and glue sticks
  • Sharp scissors
  • Cat toy and string
  • Spray paint (optional)

Traffic cones can be purchased from your local hardware store. Please don’t take them from work sites and the roadside!

1. Spray Paint the Cone

We painted our traffic cone with white spray paint, so that the bright orange colour wouldn’t show through the gaps in the rope. This first step is optional – if the orange doesn’t bother you, feel free to move on to step 2. Otherwise spray paint the cone according to the instructions on the bottle. This usually should be done outside, and the paint should be left to dry for a few hours.

2. Glue on the rope

Starting on the rectangular base of the traffic cone, apply a dab of hot glue, press on the rope, and hold it in place for a few seconds while it dries. Work your way around the base and then up the cylinder, applying hot glue, and then the rope. The transition from rectangular to round can be a bit tricky, but eventually evens out.

3. Attach a cat toy

When you get to the top of the cone, tie a piece of string to a cat toy and then tie the other end around the sisal rope. Glue both down. Continue wrapping the rope around the very top, then stick the remaining end into the opening to hide it.

You’re done! Send us your creations via [email protected] and show us your kitties enjoying their new scratching post!

Too much effort? Check out RSPCA World for Pets’ selection of cat scratching posts here.

Chloe Stratford
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