Loose lead walking operates on the basic principles of reward-based training. Essentially, if a dog is walking on lead without pulling, the owner can keep walking and reward the dog for that desired behaviour. However, if the dog starts to pull, the owner should stop, the dog will then not be rewarded for pulling, and learn that when they pull they will not be able to walk. Essentially, a loose lead means that they can walk and a tighter lead means to stop. Remember to start small and work your way up! Your dog will perform best in an environment with no distractions like your backyard. But, with practice, they will be able to master street walks in no time!
Training your dog to loose lead walk can actually be a fun experience for your dog for two key reasons; treats and walks! These are two of the most favoured enrichment activities for dogs. The treats should be something small and soft like chicken or cheese, so your dog does not get distracted by chewing them and can train for long enough without getting full.
You can download our Loose Lead Walking Fact Sheet here for your step by step guide that will help your dog to walk on a loose lead in seven easy steps!