
From Cat to Colleague: Working From Home

Cats Pet Care Pets Posted Aug 2, 2021
5 tips for you & your cat to be feline good throughout the work day

Working from home with a feline friend may feel like a dream come true, but as soon as your cat uses the side of your laptop as a scratching post halfway through your online performance review meeting, you’ll be wishing to be back in the office. To avoid such a time, we have brainstormed some ideas that your cat (a.k.a. that colleague that does no work) will approve of.

One: Play before clocking on

If your cat’s motto is ‘work easy, play hard’, they may need some extra loving just before your work day begins. Just a few minutes of play with toys like wands (make your cat a kitten wand or buy online from RSPCA World for Pets) will help tire them out and encourage them to rest. Try this outside of your work area so your cat knows play time doesn’t occur in your productive space.

Two: Designate a cat friendly space

Cats don’t see computer keyboards, they see nap time and a ‘place of warm’. To escape the dread of sending an email prematurely, thanks to your cat’s paws (or backside), find a space in your home that your cat can thrive. Whether it be next to your workspace, on a window sill or in the living room, designate an area with a bed and some toys to keep your cat entertained from 9 to 5.

Three: Create a schedule (including snuggle breaks)

We all need breaks in our work day, and petting animals is proven to help reduce stress (tell that to your boss the next time they ask; why you need an office cat?). Make sure you have designated break times, just like your normal day, for snuggling and playing with your furry friend. Having these scheduled breaks not only acts as something fun for you and your cat, but will also train your cat to not disturb you during work, especially in the times when you are flooded with deadlines and projects.

Four: Toys, toys and more toys

While you have control of your computer mouse, your cat can be having fun with its own toy mouse. Toys are vital to enrich your cat and keep them busy during your most productive hours. From toy mice to foil crinkle balls, your feline friend will not want to clock off for the day. Provide plenty of toys for your cat to interact with so they don’t start asking for attention in unprofessional ways. And hey… a cardboard box goes a long way to creating a cat castle too!

Five: Choose a cat friendly ringtone

This one may sound strange, but the real strange sound is coming from your phone. If your work requires you to take a lot of calls during the day, you may want to consider if your ringtone or notification noises triggers your cat.

Do these tips and tricks help when working from home with your cat? If your feline is performing to standard, make sure to give them a treat raise!  

Jemima Moore
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