You can either hire or buy a pet crate for moving us fur-friends around, the choice is up to you! Regardless if you buy or hire, you must make sure you get the right size! We need to be able to stand up comfortably and turn around. It also needs to have access to water… we need to stay hydrated on the flight just like you! Some crates have attachments for food and water bowls.
If you are buying a crate, best to take us with you and test out a few sizes! Check out RSPCA World for Pets for airline approved carriers.
If you are renting a pet crate, make sure you have up-to-date measurements of your pet that you can provide to the rental service. There are heaps of rental places that will have the crate ready and waiting at the pet drop-off area at the airport.
You can also learn about crate training your dog too, so we don’t go ‘What The!’ the first time we travel. Not sure if air travel is suitable for your pet? Check with your vet for their advice about plane trips.
If you have your pooch travelling in a crate during the colder weather, you are allowed to travel with a blanket or dogs can wear coats too! Ensure you have comfy bedding in the crate for pets, and something with a familiar smell… like our favourite toy.