
Turtle Care

Pet Care Posted Dec 1, 2020
Turtles might not be as cuddly and cute as a cat or dog, but they are still an enjoyable pet to have!

Remember owning a turtle, like any other pet, is a long-term commitment.

Turtles require both land and water with generous room to explore. Climbing and swimming is exercise, so the bigger the enclosure the better!

It is important to stay on top of maintaining your turtle’s environment. You will need a good filtration system and change a percentage of the water regularly. Without clean water you will not have a healthy or happy turtle. By frequently partially changing the water, this ensures that the water is clean and particle free, to avoid infections.

In order to maintain an environment similar to that of the wild, you will need a heat source for both the air and water. You will need to do research to determine exactly what temperature your type of turtle will need.

Turtle’s need two different types of ultraviolet light, these can be in the form of 1 UVA UVB bulb. UVA light encourages natural behaviour for example feeding. UVB provides vitamin D3, which allows calcium absorption and metabolism. This is necessary for the turtle’s growth, without it there is potential for health issues. A heat lamp and water heater is also required.

It depends what type of turtle you have, but generally turtles will eat insects, fish and dark, leafy greens. Never feed reptiles food for other animals. You can also buy your pet canned or pelleted turtle food and mealworms. Turtles don’t need to eat every day, 3-4 times a week will suffice. The exception being if you have a young turtle, you will need to feed it every day. Cut all food into small bite-size pieces.

When handling your turtle make sure you have washed your hands before and after, this will ensure they don’t pick up any germs from you and vice versa.  If something doesn’t seem quite right, don’t forget you can take your turtle to the vet, just like any other pet.

When it comes to turtle care it is important that you do your own research as every type of turtle will have different requirements. 

Look on our website to see a full list of our reptiles needing a home near you, appropriate licenses required to own a reptile.  

Tahlia McFarlane
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