In December last year, Police called in our Inspectorate about a horrific find at a property.

Inspector Andrew attended to find four deceased dogs in their cages.
Their owner hadn’t tended to them for over a week and temperatures reached between 32 and 36 degrees every day. These dogs were doomed from the beginning.
There they suffered and died because the person they trusted to care for them, didn’t return.
The photos below are extremely graphic and incredibly sad.
Inspector Andrew saw two of the dogs nestled side by side at the back of one cage with a bone dry bowl, this is how they passed away, together. It’s hard to comprehend the suffering and distress these four dogs would have gone through.
In every cage, every bowl was empty or upturned, and none of the dogs had bedding or food.
Their deaths were easily preventable.

In court, Prosecutor Adrian Braithwaite of Counsel submitted that the only rational conclusion was that the dogs, Jack, Bonnie, Digger and Nala died a long, slow and painful death. The Magistrate agreed.
Don’t ever let this happen to your pets.
If you see an animal in distress report it with urgency to our 24/7 ANIMAL Emergency Hotline 1300 ANIMAL (1300 264 625). Your actions help us save lives.