Volunteering as an animal carer, ambulance driver and at the volunteer desk, Matt has almost hit 5,000 hours helping the RSPCA. His passion for animals and cheeky rivalries within his team have kept him coming in; hour after hour. Matt loves seeing how animals change for the better over time, and how every volunteer and crew member are, “working for one cause”.

Matt has been in many rewarding situations, one of which has been releasing wildlife. A particular story was when Matt was involved in a koala rescue. He assisted the koala throughout its time at the RSPCA and was able to name it. When the koala was ready to be released, Matt had the honour of doing so. He has also been involved with Adoption Events, and seeing families picking their forever friend never fails to put a smile on his face.
When asked what skill he has mastered, he replied with, “picking up dog poo” – an answer that shows his light-hearted humour in any situation. He loves cracking jokes here and there; with customers and with colleagues.