
Why should I desex my pet?

Animals Dogs Cats Animal Welfare Desex Your Pet Pet Health Pet Care Posted Jun 18, 2024
There are a range of health benefits associated with desexing your pet. Take advantage of 20% off desexing with Operation Wanted.
The RSPCA knows all too well about the need to help unwanted pets: thousands of kittens and puppies, pregnant dogs and cats and unwanted animals come into care every year.

Desexing is part of the solution.

This year, over 150 veterinary practices in Queensland have signed up to Operation Wanted - RSPCA Queensland’s desexing initiative.

You can search for participating vets near you offering 20% off dog and cat desexing from June 1 until August 31 and register to get discounted desexing on the website. 

Driven by the RSPCA and participating vets and councils, Operation Wanted is now in its 9th year. Last year it’s estimated around 20,000 animals were desexed in Queensland during the campaign which equated to 10,000 extra animals being desexed as a direct result of Operation Wanted.

What are the benefits of desexing my pet?

Not only are you being a responsible pet owner by preventing any unplanned pregnancies and unwanted litters, there are health benefits associated with getting your pet desexed too.

On the prowl

If you’ve ever owned an undesexed cat, you’ll know they may be a bit more vocal at certain times. Desexing can help them settle, so you don’t have to hear their cries of desire. Once desexed, cats and dogs will be less likely to want to escape your home seeking a mate.

Pets that stray cause a real nuisance and may contribute to the feral cat and wild dog populations. Desexing and securing your pet, can help protect our wildlife!

discounted cat desexing operation wanted rspca

Cancer risk reduced

Desexing your pet can actually reduce the risk of some cancers and disease. These include urine infections, mammary and ovarian cancer in females and perineal hernias, testicular and prostate cancer in males.

Scent marking

Desexing your male cat should also reduce urine spraying. It’s certainly a smell you can do without in your home!

Cheaper registration fees

If you desex your cat and dog, you can take advantage of cheaper council registration fees. A Win-Win!


You may also find that your pet is calmer and more relaxed after being desexed.

Desexing myths

Don’t fall victim to one of the many myths that people might tell you such as, 'your pet should have at least one litter before desexing’. There is no science behind that statement at all! Not every pet SHOULD have a litter and not every owner is suitable for that responsibility.

For the men that think they are taking away their male dog’s manhood, if anything, desexing can actually help improve dog behaviours and reduce aggression! So there is a good reason male dogs should also get the snip.

At what age can I desex my pet?

Some pets can reach sexual maturity and reproduce from only 4-6 months of age. This is particularly true for cats who can fall pregnant as young as 4 months of age. Therefore, cats should be desexed at about 4 months of age before they have the chance to get pregnant. It is very safe for cats to be desexed at 4 months. For dogs, it is best to consult your veterinarian about the best age for desexing as the best age can vary with breed and size.

How much does desexing cost?

The cost of desexing can vary depending on the animal species, gender, age, size and breed, and between clinics. It’s best to talk to a few vets in your area to get a quote for your pet’s desexing. Remember, Operation Wanted participating vets will give you 20% off during the campaign. 

What is the desexing proceedure?

We talked to Dr Adam Sternberg from Greencross vets. This is their standard desexing procedure:

  1. Your pet should not have any food from the night before your appointment but they can have water.
  2. Once admitted, your pet will receive a health check and pre-anaesthetic blood test.
  3. Sedation is given to relax your pet and then they are given a general anaesthesia. 
  4. Once anaesthetised, surgery is performed in a fully equipped operating theatre.
  5. Your pet is monitored throughout the surgery and their comfort catered for. For example, they will be on a heating mat during surgery to ensure they maintain their body temperature.
  6. Your pet is monitored throughout the recovery process. 
  7. The vet will provide after-care advice when you take your pet home.
  8. A complementary suture removal for external sutures at the vet will be typically done 10 days after the operation.

discounted dog desexing operation wanted rspca

Discounted dog and cat desexing

Visit Operation Wanted to register to receive 20% off cat and dog desexing from June 1 – August 31. You will receive a unique desex code to present at the participating veterinary practice when you have your dogs and/or cats desexed. The one code can be used by you for as many animals as you have. 

Can’t see a vet listed? Encourage your local veterinary clinic to participate in this year’s Operation Wanted desexing campaign.

Emma Lagoon
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