Understanding the link between Domestic Violence and Pets

Sadly pets are often abused as part of the spectrum of domestic violence. Domestic violence counsellors regularly speak with individuals whose pets are beaten or tortured by abusive partners in order to frighten and control them into staying in violent relationships. RSPCA Queensland’s Inspectorate frequently investigates animal cruelty cases of this nature. 

No one should feel that they can’t leave a violent home. However, the majority of domestic violence refuges are neither equipped nor permitted to accept animals. This can cause extreme distress to the victims of domestic violence (for many of whom their pet has become a lifeline) and can, in some circumstances, prevent them from accessing refuge accommodation – placing themselves and their animals at further risk of harm. Indeed, research shows that up to 25% of women in violent situations where there is a family pet present may remain in that situation because of concern for the welfare of their pet should they leave.

This also means that the children will also often remain in violent and dangerous situations rather than leave their pet behind with the abuser. For some, the animal has been a tool used against them in their abuse. This can include threats of and actual harm towards the pets.

Our Community Solution

Since 2005 we have partnered with DVConnect (Domestic and Family Violence Service Qld) to provide a safe haven for the pets of individuals at serious risk of domestic and family violence. Pets in Crisis provides 28 days of emergency boarding and basic preventative healthcare free of charge, giving owners the peace of mind that their pet will be safe and cared for in his diffcult time in their lives 

Those who need to seek refuge but who are unable to find care for their pets can contact the DVConnect 24 hour crisis line on 1800 811 811 for women and 1800 600 636 for men. DVConnect will work directly with RSPCA Qld to find temporary care for their pets at either an RSPCA Animal Care Centre across the State or with trained RSPCA foster carers.

Pets in Crisis is a critical program that delivers many community benefits. On the one hand, it provides many with a release from their ‘hostage’ situations and enables families to seek refuge.

On the other, pets are protected from violence or abandonment and are able to be reunited with their families when they are in a safe environment.

The Pets In Crisis Program is supported by the Petbarn Foundation and the Queensland Government Department of Justice making this vital work possible to support pets and people who are fleeing domestic violence.

Get In Touch

If you would like to find out more about the RSPCA Pets in Crisis program, including eligibility, please call DV Connect in the first instance. For instances of homelessness, mental health or hospitalisation cases please reach out to our RSPCA People & Pets - Better Together team to see what support is available for your pet.

  • DV Connect Women's line: 1800 811 811
  • DV Connect Men's line: 1800 600 636

If you would like to discuss the program in more detail and any specific questions relating to the program, please contact RSPCA Queensland on 07 3426 9999.

The RSPCA Pets In Crisis Program is proudly supported by the Petbarn Foundation

How You Can Help